Well hello readers and welcome to my new blog. Not too long ago I became a part of something called the D20 Girls Project. As a part of the project it was suggested that I start a blog in order to keep up with the other girls and stay active in the community. Also, I have a lot of free time on my hands at this point in my life and I really enjoy writing (especially about my nerdy hobbies) so I think I'm really going to enjoy this.
About The D20 Girls:
The D20 girls embody Confidence, Reliability, Intelligence, and a Strong Work Ethic. We arrange with vendors, artists, and conventions to hire D20 girls as booth help and trade show models at gaming, comic book, and fandom related shows across the US. Why? Our project is crucial, because the gaming industry and related fandoms should be promoted by girls who are actually a part of it--not over-paid models who know nothing about the industry, or the people who are a part of it. The D20 Girls are also not just a business, but a growing community of females who participate in Gaming, Anime, Science Fiction, Comic Books (& more) as a Hobby. The D20 Girls Project is all about the bonds that bring together like minded females & presents a positive female image for them all!
Here's a link to the website if anyone is interested: http://www.d20girls.com/